Friday, April 30, 2010


Today in science class we watched a very depressing video about water it was also very interesting, it had a lot of information in it, and did you know that 2 million people die every year because of lack of water and most of these people are children! I also had no idea about the harshness of the matter. And really am starting to think that “without water the earth would not be what it is.” I also had no idea that forty percent of stomach flu’s are really just because of the tap water, ok this is the really crazy weird thing is that fish are actually changing sex due to the water and the pesticides and pollution of this water know the majority of our fish are females and there are very few males. Atrazine is pollution and is the most used but can cause many different kinds of cancers such as breast cancer etc. even a fetes can be affected by this pollution if its mother is somewhere near or is drinking water that has been exposed to this pollution. Many places in the world as banned this chemical from there country which is only a start.

One out of ten children will die because of the water in Bolivia alone, 30,000 people are dying everyday for water reasons. Water is 400 billion dollar industry and is second to electricity. Major amounts of people are displaced because of dams in the 20th century. Ok so that’s all I got but this was a very sad video and it made me really think about my water usage so I hope you do to.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Every drop counts

In science class we watched a video about water it was called every drop counts. my thoughts on this video are that (it was extremely cheesy) well it had a lot of information, and I toke the fact that well "Every drop counts" and that maybe I should and could use less water. The three quotes that where with this video where.

"Its melting away its washing away I need there’s no doubt about it”. This is talking about the cryospheres melting away and how we need them for water plus recreational purposes.

“Its what we’ve got it’s all, that’s it”, I think in this situation they are talking about how we don’t have a lot and we have to try and use it wisely plus share it with other people and countries, so maybe cut down on your shower or wash your clothes so try to save your water usage and cut it down a little.

“Every drop counts”, this is talking about basically the same thing as the last one and how EVERY DROP OF WATER COUNTS just like they repeated every drop counts about one hundred times in there song it basically means water is irreplaceable and needs to be saved. So this is my summary of this video and what it really means hope you like it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ocean Currents

I was wondering, why gyres circulate counter clockwise in the southern hemisphere, and why they move clockwise in the northern hemisphere?

Ocean currents are the veritcal or the horizontal movement of surface and deep water, why do currents aid in the circulation of the earth's mosture, or the resultant of weather, or water pollution?

Surface currents are those found in the upper 400 meters or 1,300 feet which also make up 10 percent of all the oceans water's. The surface current's are normally caused by the wind, because of the friction that it creates well moving over the water. The friction then makes the to move in a circuler or spiraling pattern, creating Gyres. The speed of the surface currents is largest closer to the oceans surface and gets slower about 100 meters or 328 feet below the surface.

Deep water currents, also called thermohaline circulation is found below 400 meters and make up about 90% of the ocean. Just like surface currents gravity plays a role in the making of deep water currents but the lower currents are more commonly caused by the desity differences in the water.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The electron microscope was invented in the 1940's by a man named Ernst Bruche.
The electron microscope is used for magnifying scanning the services of objects up to 500 000 times the size it also shows there three dimension's.
The transmission electron microscope lets scientists to study structures within a cell.
cells that don't have internal membrane bound structures are called prokaryotic cells.
the cells of most unicellular organisms like bacteria do not have membrane bound structures and are therefore called prokaryotes. cells that containing membrane bound structures are called eukaryotic cells. Most multi cellular plants and animals we know are made up of cells containing membrane bound structures are called eukartotic cells. the membrane bound structures within the cells are called organelles. each organelle to cell survival.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

why are the mitochondrion and the chloroplast designed the way they are

Mitochondrion are found in different kinds if cells, well the chloroplasts are only found in plants, but there shape is quite similar.

Chloroplast, during the process called photosynthesis, the chloroplast uses energy from the sun, the process is very complex just like the Chloroplast, the most important part is the granum on the disks called thylakoid membranes, and the granum is a stack of pancakes. So that it can produce food for is plant.

Mitochondrion, is sometimes called the power house is a cell it lives on the inner membrane or cristae. There is a reaction called cellular respiration, the mitochondrion takes energy within the glucose, to make ATP, this is like a battery, and is used to power the rest of the activities that happen inside the cell. So the mitochondrion is built to power the rest of the cell.

--Above this is a mitochondrion cell structure i choose this picture to show how this cell works and its parts.