Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Science Video on the Immune System


  1. Video #3 – Macrophages engulf and digest foreign invaders.
    Smaller white blood cells called helper T-cells come across macrophages, if they have matching receptors, they bind together and then multiply, cecote chemicals call other cells into battle, manly the killer T-cells.
    Killer T-Cells- stimulated by chemicals that come from the helper T-Cells, this makes the killer T-cells divide quickly to make an army of cells all made to kill the invader that triggered the response. When killer T-cells bombard with an infected cell they connect, and then give legal toxins, then move on to another cell. These interns then connect with B-cells then triggered the cells release a chemical that makes the B-cell rapidly reproduce, some of the B-cells become memory cells, but most of them become anybody producing factories. Called plasma cells, they connect then neutralize pathogens or prepare them for destruction, by other weapons in our immune system.

  2. Hi Maia,

    Those plasma cells make "antibodies" - not anybodies :-)
